Friday, 20 March 2020



A Message from Dalwyn

Now that public worship has been suspended because of the Coronavirus-Covid19 outbreak, we are trying to find ways of "Doing Church Differently."

There is a danger that this may mean an avalanche of emails land in everyone's inbox because we are trying to maintain communication and make sure that everyone has the information they need.

So to avoid this, I am experimenting with using this blog.  Not just for information sharing, but also, hopefully to provide information to help you to pray and worship at home.  

The joy of a 'blog' is that the information that is shared 'hangs around' and doesn't get pushed down an email inbox and lost.  It is also true that with a blog you can choose whether to access it or not, it doesn't become an annoying 'ping' in your inbox.  

I guess the other thing about a blog is that it can be accessed by anyone - so please share it to anyone you think might find it helpful.  Some of the content will be very specific to members of Trinity (Biggleswade), Sandy and Beeston Methodist Churches, but I am guessing most of it will not!

To get us started I will upload the things that have already been shared.  

Your feedback will also be welcome - my email address is dalwyn.attwell at (replace this with the usual symbol) 

Please keep you and those you love safe at this time and we continue to look forward to when we can gather together again to celebrate the goodness of God show to us in Christ Jesus.

With love and blessings,


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