Worship at Home – Sunday 14th June 2020 –
Bible Month – Week 2 – Ruth 2
In Ruth 1 we accompany Naomi on her journey away
from Bethlehem to Moab to seek refuge from famine and on her return with Ruth
once the famine is over. By the time she
returns, she is so full of grief at the death of her husband and sons, that we
might imagine that she has little appetite even though there is food now
As we became familiar with Naomi and Ruth as the
lead characters in the story, I wonder whether we began to form opinions on the
kind of people they were? Personally, I find
there is something in Naomi, beyond her grief that is unpleasant and uncomfortable. I find myself wanting to ask Ruth, “Why did
you bother?”
Of course, as with all stories and all characters,
the way we respond can give us useful insights to our own personality strength
and weakness, and as we sit with the characters in Ruth, we may find ourselves
praying through the way the story moves us.
My response, I think, informs the prayers of confession that I offer in
this service.