Thursday, 30 April 2020

Worship at Home - Sunday 3rd May 2020 - Easter 4

Preparing for Worship:

Jesus said, "I am the gate for the sheep. ... I have come that they might have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:7,10)

Through Jesus, God invites us to enter into his spiritual temple and to join "with angels and archangels and all the choirs of heaven" to offer worship at God's heavenly throne. 

Sanzio, Raffaello - Disputa del Sacramento - 1508-1511

Thursday, 23 April 2020

Worship at Home - Sunday 26th April - Easter 3

Worship at Home - Sunday April 26th 2020 

On the Road to Emmaus

Journeys on the Road | Emerging
Before you engage in this act of worship - you may wish to spend some time familiarising yourself with the hymn that comes after the sermon and leads into a time of quiet contemplation  - StF 371 - the track below is played by Pete recorded especially for this act of worship

The lectionary readings set for today, take us back two weeks to an event that took place later on the day and into the evening of the third day after Jesus' death.  This relaxed attitude to chronology, reminds us of the mystery of the resurrection that goes beyond our human desire for data, calculations and conclusions.  
Perhaps it helps us to understand the difficulty being faced by our government at the moment who find themselves sitting in the tense place between wanting to be 'lead by the science' but feeling that they need to respond appropriately to the emotion, generated, to some extent, by the media, which plays on people's anxieties and uncertainties. 
It reminds us, maybe, that our resurrection faith, rests on more than just the measurable and quantifiable data.  That is not to say that it defies such verifiable information, but it is to say that it cannot rely entirely upon it.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

This is our Story, These are our Songs - You Tube Programmes

If you haven't found my new YouTube channel yet, you will discover two videos already available under the title This is Our Story, These are our Songs.

Each video contains a reflection on a hymn followed by the hymn-tune played by Pete illustrated with some photos from my photo albums!

I hope you enjoy them.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Doing Church Differently - Worship at Home 19th April 2020 provided by Sonia Butler and Revd. Richard Barrett

A note from Dalwyn

Before you move onto this week's worship material, I would like to draw your attention to All We Can's Coronavirus Appeal.  It would be great if you could make time to look at their website, to see how ALL WE CAN are supporting efforts to combat the virus in other parts of the world.  You will find details here

Entering Worship
On this second week of Easter we focus on Thomas and his initial reaction to Jesus resurrection. However, when Jesus appears to Thomas and speaks directly to him those immortal words “Peace be with you” the response is overwhelming. Are we ready to accept the invitation to embrace the risen Jesus?

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Library Services update

I am grateful to Nora for supplying the following update from Central Bedfordshire Library Service

 Some of it may be helpful, it is concerning online resources and I realise not everyone is online:

1. Some of the services the libraries use are relaxing limitations for limited periods. 
   a. Access to Ancestry is now available remotely for existing and new customers (it's easy to become a member online if anyone is interested , through the Virtual Library
   b. Times Digital Archive, a newspaper record, is similarly available remotely
   c. Restrictions on Freegal, the music streaming service, have been lifted to permit unlimited streaming

2. An additional audiobook service is being set up, Borrowbox. It will offer an initial 600+ adult and children's titles. This will be available in addition to RBDigital and will not be replacing it

3. Other suppliers are making offers (Apple, Audible and Ulverscroft), but they would be time limited so at present are not available, they are under consideraton (there is information on the Virtual Library)

4. There is also a page on the VL singposting to authoritative sources on Covid19 + suggestions on things to do, books to read (under development)

Thursday, 9 April 2020

Worship at home on Easter Day

Worship at Home (for Easter Day) 


It may feel somewhat strange, even awkward to contemplate celebrating Easter during our current national and global emergency. The situation we find ourselves in may take us back to the familiar stories of Scripture to read them through a different lens.  Just as the lack of traffic is sharpening the sound of bird-song and the quietness on the streets is giving other creatures the opportunity to retake some space, so the requirement to be quiet at home may help us to see things in the Easter story that we might otherwise overlook in our joyful celebrations in Church.  Despite the difference, and recognising the impact it is having on us, we nevertheless, begin worship on this Easter day by reminding ourselves of the truth that is central to our Christian faith and hope.  Jesus Christ is our Risen Saviour!

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Spring Harvest at Home

If you've ever wondered about going to Spring Harvest, then this year could be an opportunity to try it out from the comfort of home.

Spring Harvest weeks have been cancelled this year.

Good Friday - 10th April 2020

Dear Friends,
It seems strange that Good Friday will be spent at home without the opportunity to take part in walks of witness or acts of worship in our buildings.

Please find below a link to an act of worship which would have formed the basis of worship at Beeston on Good Friday afternoon.

Tuesday, 7 April 2020

Worship at Home - Maundy Thursday

A Musical Meditation for Maundy Thursday - 

using the music of Michael Card and art from the Methodist Modern Art Collection

All We Can - All Things Hold Together

Thanks to Richard Pool for forwarding the following:

At this time, we want to be here for you.

Every day at 1.17pm, All We Can is sharing positive and uplifting content on the theme of‘ Colossians 1:17 – All Things Hold Together’– a series of encouraging broadcasts that you can watch and join in with from the comfort of your home.

We want to give something back to you, as you have given so much to us at All We Can and to some of the world’s poorest communities over so many years. If you are able, please do tune in to listen to inspiring broadcasts at1.17pm on our Facebook and Twitter designed to encourage you and comfort you during this difficult time.

Previous broadcasts can be viewed on  website.

Friday, 3 April 2020