I am grateful to Nora for supplying the following update from Central Bedfordshire Library Service
Some of it may be helpful, it is
concerning online resources and I realise not everyone is online:
1. Some of the services the libraries use are relaxing limitations for limited periods.
Access to Ancestry is now available remotely for existing and new
customers (it's easy to become a member online if anyone is interested ,
through the Virtual Library
b. Times Digital Archive, a newspaper record, is similarly available remotely
c. Restrictions on Freegal, the music streaming service, have been lifted to permit unlimited streaming
An additional audiobook service is being set up, Borrowbox. It will
offer an initial 600+ adult and children's titles. This will be
available in addition to RBDigital and will not be replacing it
Other suppliers are making offers (Apple, Audible and Ulverscroft), but
they would be time limited so at present are not available, they are
under consideraton (there is information on the Virtual Library)
There is also a page on the VL singposting to authoritative sources on
Covid19 + suggestions on things to do, books to read (under development)